by Sandy Eulitt | Jun 1, 2015 | Manned Spaceflight, Regional Events, San Diego Astronomy, Space History and People, Special Events
Well, isn’t this cool? And, since I missed watching Endeavour navigate the streets of LA in Oct., 2012, I will have to prioritize seeing the external fuel tank’s trek sometime early next year. I have always wanted to see one of these tanks up close. I saw...
by Sandy Eulitt | May 4, 2012 | Involvement, Regional Events
Garrett Lisi will be in Orange County next week to do the Carl Sagan ‘Cosmos’ episode ‘Encyclopaedia Galactica’ on May 9th and ‘The Geometric Theory of Everything’ on May 11th. Antony Garrett Lisi (born January 24, 1968), known as...