Perseid Meteor Shower on Mt. Laguna look promising
I just checked the weather forecast for San Diego’s Mt. Laguna for Thursday night and Friday morning, it it says, “Excellent for stargazing.” See for yourself here:
I am so excited!!! With the moon just past New Moon, and setting at around 1 a.m. Friday morning, it looks to be a GREAT night for watching the Perseid Meteor Shower. I have called my boyfriend to see if he can take a vacation day Friday for a romantic evening under the heavens.
If he can’t go, there is a chance I will organize a group to go out observing. I was out stargazing last week, and got to see Saturn and Mars, along with some Messier objects in Sagittarius and Scorpius. If you’d like more information on stargazing evenings, Meteor showers, what objects are up in the night sky, sign up for my newsletter here:
As always, thanks for joining me. I hope to meet all of you during a beautiful evening under the stars.
Clear skies,