Astronomer uses Home Planetarium to fight Marine Layer

Let’s face it. I’m an astronomer. I am madly, passionately, and insanely in love with the sky tonight. And, bonus round, I live in Coastal San Diego, where, in many months, we have the marine layer. Some people call it the coastal fog. It moves in at dusk and hangs around until around noon or 1 p.m. the next day, although sometimes it stays all day. We call this, “May gray and June Gloom.” I find that time of year particularly depressing, as it is difficult for me to see the night sky. Even when I can see the night sky, I live in light pollution. On a clear summer evening, I can barely discern Sagittarius from my home across from Mission Bay.

And so it is that I get pretty excited about having a home planetarium. Even when I can’t see the stars, I can still have them with me. They can still be displayed on the ceiling of my bedroom.

Moolala Helps

I found this product on Moolala yesterday and, although it has not yet arrived, I’m pretty excited by it. It combines a home planetarium with an alarm clock, pretty inexpensively. I’ve spent HOURS researching a home planetarium on Amazon, even bought one that was several times this price, and returned it. It just wasn’t worth the money. So, I’m both hopeful and excited that this little home planetarium and alarm clock can give me the views of the night sky that I so desperately need, despite the marine layer and light pollution of the Coastal San Diego area that I love.

I hope you will enjoy it, too.

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